The Curse of Clara: A Holiday Tale is an animated Christmas special that follows small-town girl Vickie as she is accepted into the prestigious National Ballet School. When Vickie is selected to play “Clara” in the Company’s holiday production of The Nutcracker, things look like they couldn’t get any better. And they can’t, because that’s when Vickie finds out about the mysterious Curse of Clara. Thankfully, she’s got a good friend, the 1972 Summit Series and an imaginary mentor (in the form of Phil Esposito) to keep her “on pointe.” 
Animatic Editor: Sam Thomson
Directors: M.R. Horhager, Mike Valiquette
Producers: Jeremy Diamond, Vickie Fagan, Denny Silverthorne, Veronica Tennant, Mike Valiquette

Executive Producer: Jonas Diamond
Smiley Guy Studios for CBC: Animated Broadcast Special

The special is available to stream year-round on CBC Gem and airs during the holiday season on CBC Television
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